Dynamic Realignment
Study #2: Holy Cabinet
Direction: Eun Jung Choi
Movement Collaboration/Performance: John Luna, Bronwen MacArthur, Scott McPheeters, and Guillermo Ortega Tanus
Music Score: Alban Bailly
Costume Design and Construction: Eun Jung Choi, consultation and assistance from Patricia Dominguez
Fairies: Shailer Kern-Carruth, Megan
Mizanty, and Megan Quinn
Lighting Design: Kathy Kaufmann
In the space of Holy Cabinet, everything is possible and nothing is impossible. Our collective imaginations will act as vehicles to another world of the unforeseen. Holy Cabinet’s playfulness breaks down its original structure, displaying a wide variety of visual images with its humor, buoyancy, and perplexity.
Choreographic Notes:
I started this project with an intention to explore the nature of magic. My preliminary research involved types of magic that existed in different cultures, magical objects used in movies and TV shows, magical words, mythical creatures, and magical ideas. In the process of playing with numerous movement exercises with the dancers in the studio, I began to slowly step away from the idea of illusions and tricks, and became more interested in the concepts of physical transformation, transformative/magical elements presented to my personal life, and child-like imagination, which opened me up to multiple possibilities to contextualize the movement. With complied movement generated through a magical rehearsal process, I explore to create an origami (another magical object!)-like playground where all spatial and temporal elements fold, unfold, appear, reappear, disappear, stretch, compress, collapse, overlaps, and expand.
Study #2: Holy Cabinet is supported in part with funds from the Philadelphia Live Arts Festival as part of a Live Arts Brewery Fellowship.